Journal Publications

  1. Xu, X., Chen, C.F., Zhu, X., & Hu, Q. (in press). Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the United States: Financial incentive versus control option. Energy.

  2. Asadinejad, A., Varzaneh, M.G., Tomsovic, K., Chen, C.-F., and Sawhney, R. (in press). Evaluation of residential customer elasticity for incentive based demand response programs. Electric Power Systems Research.

  3. Talele, S., Traylor, C., Arpan, L., Curely, D., Chen, C.-F., et al, (2018). Energy modeling and data structure framework for sustainable human-building ecosystems (SHBE): A review. Frontiers in Energy.

  4. D’Oca, S., Chen, C.-F., Hong, T., & Belafi, Z. (2017). Synthesizing building physics with social psychology: An interdisciplinary framework for context and occupant behavior in office buildings. Energy Research and Social Science, 34, 240-251.

  5. Cui, Y., Yan, D., & Chen, C.-F. (2017, in press). Exploring the factors and motivations influencing heating behavioral patterns and future energy use intentions in the hot summer and cold winter climate zone of China. Energy and Building.

  6. Yeatts, D. E., Auden, D., Cooksey, C., & Chen, C-F. (2017, in press). A systematic review of strategies for overcoming the barriers to energy-efficient technologies in buildings. Energy Research and Social Science.

  7. Xu, X., Maki, A., Chen, C.-F. Dong, B., & Day, J. (2017, in press). Investigating willingness to save energy and communication about energy use in the American workplace with the attitude-behavior-context model. Energy Research and Social Science.

  8. Chen, C.-F., Xu, X., & Day, J. (2017). Thermal comfort or money saving?: Exploring intentions to conserve energy among low-income households in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science.

  9. Chen, C.-F., Xu, X., & Arpan, L. (2017). Between the technology acceptance model and sustainable energy technology acceptance model: Investigating smart meter acceptance in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science, 25, 93-104.

  10. Hong, T., Yan, D., Simona D’Oca, S., & Chien-fei Chen, C.-F. (2017). Top ten questions concerning occupant behavior in buildings: The big picture. Building and Environment, 1-13.

  11. Chen, C.-F. Xu, X. & Frey, R. S. (2016). Who wants solar water heaters and alternative fuel vehicles? Assessing social-psychological predictors of adoption intention and policy support in China. Energy Research and Social Science, 15, 1-11. [] (

  12. Xu, X., Arpan, L., & Chen, C.-F. (2015). The moderating role of individual differences in responses to benefit and temporal framing of messages promoting residential energy saving. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 44, 95-108.

  13. Chen, C.-F. & Knight, K. (2014). Energy at work: Social psychological factors affecting energy conservation intentions within Chinese electric power companies. Energy Research and Social Science, 4, 23-31.

  14. Hu, Q., Li, F., & Chen, C.-F. (2014). A smart home test bed for undergraduate education to bridge the curriculum gap from traditional power systems to modernized smart grids. IEEE Transactions on Education, 58(1), 32-38. DOI: 10.1109/TE.2014.2321529.

  15. Chen, C.-F., Tomsovic, K., & Aydeniz, M. (2014). Filling the pipeline: Power system curricula for middle school and high school students. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29(24), 1874-1879. 10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2293752

  16. Li, H., Song, J. B., Chen, C.-F., Lai, L., & Qiu, R. (2014). Behavior propagation in cognitive radio networks: A social network approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(2), 646-657. 10.1109/TW.2013.121813.121964

  17. Worcester, A. C., Hickox, V. M., Klimaszewski, J. G., Wilches-Bernal, F., Chow, J. H., & Chen, C.-F. (2013). The sky’s the limit: Designing wind farms: A hands-on STEM activity for high school students. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, 11(1) 18-29.10.1109/MPE.2012.2225213

  18. Tang, L., & Chen, C.-F. (2013). Effectiveness of health messages to change women’s thin-ideal and unhealthy weight control intentions: Connecting social norms and social networks approaches. Asian Journal of Communication, 23(5), 519-537.

  19. Horne, C., Chen, C.-F., Berg, J., & Evermann-Druffel, K. (2009). Metanorm expectations: Determining what to sanction. Advances in Group Processes, 26, 199-223.10.1108/S0882-6145(2009)0000026011

  20. Pinkleton, B., Reagan, J., Aaronson, D., & Chen, C.-F. (1997). The role of individual motivations in information source use and knowledge concerning divergent topics. Communication Research Reports, 14(3), 291-301.

  21. Reagan, J., Pinkleton, B., Chen, C.-F. & Aaronson, D. (1995). How do technologies relate to the repertoire of information sources? Telematics & Informatics, 12(1), 21-27.